Pinky is now part of the Tumble Inn

We're excited to announce our new blog and company: The Tumble Inn Hydroponic Consulting Company. Or the TiHCc for short.

This year we want to kick off our consulting company by offering virtual classes and gatherings on the topic of cultivating cannabis for home use. Our first and free introductory class will be called Coffee and Cannabis.

We'd really like to know what you are interested in and what you're stuck on when it comes to your garden. We're hoping to make this a virtual community of students and teachers alike who are generally interested in the topic of cultivation.

As more details arise we'll be sure to add this to our blog and other social media platforms. For now let's look at the garden...

Flowering is coming in:

Still quite a ways until it's ready for harvesting but it's exciting to see some steady progress.

I added three gallons of water and the roots are looking strong. This seems like a great successful plant. I just hope my clones pull through. Here's how they're looking:

Since the clones in the bubbler kept wilting I decided to make a few more cuttings and set them in some rockwool cubes, just in case the bubbler clowns die. It seems at the moment that I may have only one bubbler clone that may be producing root sites. Usually this takes about 15 days to get some great root development. It takes a little over a week to start seeing root sites develop, you'll notice that all the sites start by producing little white dots towards the base of the cutting. This is the most stressful time a cutting will have since using it's reserve energy to hormonally change their tissue to make roots, so be careful with these plants to development, it could be a matter of life and death.

I will cut several more cuttings as I lollipop the scrog cage and straighten out the canopy for full flower growth. All cuttings are very valuable and some have turned it into a hobby where they can make a few dollars selling them to friends and family members.

For now overall I am very excited to see how this peyote gorilla turns out.



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