We've Reached the Scrog


She's reached beyond the boundary! You'll notice her large sail leaves stretching above the boundary. What I'll do next is called LST or Low Stress Training. LST helps guide the plant to grow in the direction you desire. For this particular instance, the plant will be trained to tilt sideways, forcing it to expose the stem for more flower product. Keep in mind I captured the image above a week ago. Later in this post I'll show you what happened to the plant training and check the progress of it's flower production.
Using a plant tie I loosely bound the top of the plant to the screen.
The following week:
You can observe the flowering bud has now turned back toward the light. As this continues, I can apply more ties to keep it down, forcing the plant to produce more flower product over a large area. You'll also notice I've trimmed up the sails since new sails will emerge from the bud. Keeping your plant trained this way will ensure a large bud crop by harvest. Below are other stems about to reach the screen boundary. I too will tie them once they reach several inches above the screen.
I'm still weeks away from a proper harvest. The flowers are bright white and becoming very potent in a skunky smell. The plants seem to be very healthy but it is taking up quite a bit of water on a weekly basis, keeping me on my toes when I hear loud slurping sounds come from an empty reservoir. When I'm flowering, I keep all nutrients to a minimum since these nutrients will be affecting the flower taste.

I'm going to show you all two different plant leaves. Maybe you can tell me which one is sativa and which one is indica strains. Best answer gets a prize from me! below are the two different leaves:

Indica or sativa?

Sativa or indica?

Next post I'll be sure to reveal the answer. For now have a lovely time with this amazing winter weather in southern Arizona. I hope your garden is doing well! Don't be shy, contact me if you're asking any questions about your garden adventures. Take care.



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