Cannabutter Process and 90mg Edibles

I must admit, I've done this only once before, and I was okay with the first results. But back then I also wasn't too familiar with baking, so I really wasn't on my A game. I'd say this time, after cooking quite a bit over the pandemic, my skills have drastically changed, making me proud of what I'm about to introduce you guys to.

Today I'm going to show you how to make active cannabis infused butter or better known by its culinary name, cannabutter.


-4 sticks of butter (16 ounces)

-16 grams of flower cannabis



-1 cooking sheet

-1 pot for boiling

-1 container to store product


1. Preheat your oven to 250°F.

2. Crush your dried 16 grams of cannabis flower. It should be crushed down to the same consistency as you smoke it through a pipe. It's okay to keep in stems, trim or any other product that contain trichomes. For me, I set my flower in a bag and gently hammered it with a spatula. When breaking it down, my flower produced a fruity scent that smelled up the entire kitchen.

3. Lay out your flower evenly on a cooking sheet.

4. Set the cooking sheet in the preheated oven for about 45 minutes. The smell of the flower will permeate the dwelling. At this moment, you are decarboxylating your flower. This process makes your flower active in THC, giving you the psychoactive properties that we refer to as "getting high". This step is the most important and it is also the reason why we have to burn cannabis in the first place.

5. Remove the cooking sheet and let the baked flower cool. The entire dwelling will smell like smoked cannabis when you remove it.

6. Take four sticks of butter and set in it a pot to melt completely. Keep the melting to a liquid, try not to boil.

7. Take your baked flower and add it to the pot of melted butter. Gently stir together the ingredients for a minute until the flower is completely mixed. Turn the heat off the pot and let it cool for several minutes.

8. Set down a cheesecloth inside a strainer and set the strainer on top a container to catch the liquid.

9. Pour the flower liquid from the pot into the strainer. Let the butter strain and collect in the container.

10. When the liquid has strained, fold your cheesecloth and press the cloth down to press out any remaining liquid.

11. Discard the cannabis flower. All the active THC is now a liquid in the container. You may wash and reuse your cheesecloth for more extractions.

12. Set the container in the refrigerator to solidify. In an hour, you should have the equivalent of four sticks (or one pound) of usable cannabutter. Use it as a substitute for regular butter to any baked goods. You can also make topical skin products with it. Keep in mind the cannabutter is active and can absorb through the skin. The effects are very slow to feel after ingestion, starting after about a half hour and going for more than twelve hours.

I found a great video on making chocolate chip cookie bars. I followed every step in making the cookie bars and I cut my cookie sheet into sixteen pieces, making every piece roughly 90mg of THC as an edible treat.

How did I get that THC number? I multiplied my grams of cannabis by a thousand, which converts them to milligrams (mg). The amount I had was 16 grams, so it was 16,000 milligrams. Then I multiplied that number by .18, which is the decimal percentage of the amount of THC in the Super Silver Haze strain, giving me 2,880mg for the entire four bars. When I made the cookie bars, I only used two bars, giving me 1,440mg. I divided that number by 16 (amount of cookie bars in the sheet), giving me a rough estimate of 90mg.

I'm not going to lie, I'm still coming off my edible's effects almost 18 hours after ingesting just one bar. They're great little snacks but beware, these edibles will definitely last an entire day, so you've been warned. Keep in mind a 90mg edible is a very strong edible that will last a long time.

Happy gardening and happy baking everyone! Ingest responsibly.



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