Pinning down Gen-1 and Flower Update

I've been taking care of the Gen-1 from all this heat. Although you may have air conditioning in a house that doesn't exactly equate to the right atmosphere for your cannabis babies. Cannabis loves some moisture and can tolerate a lot of heat. Moisture around your plant helps with transpiration, which is the process of water leaving your plant, building a pressure inside the plant to pass nutrients through tissues.

I did notice recently my clones were dropping like flies and I was able to salvage two of them for the Gen-2 batch. I realized they were becoming too dry in the open air and the AC vent that pointed directly at it didn't help at all. I set the cloner in one of the tents, since then all my clones have perked up. The smallest pocket of moisture can be the difference between life and death, especially during this heat storm half the country been going through. If you have plants outside, please provide them shade and take it easy on nutrients. By now your summer babies should be turning into flowers, ready for a good picking by fall.
The stem sticking out of the cage.

The same stem bending under the net.

The stem wrapped around the net to promote new flower growth.

Flat and ready for new flower growth.

I took a handful of leaves and twisted the stems around the Scrog cage. From the last pruning I noticed some stems didn't make it. Remove all dead plant matter to keep out pests, since they are attracted to the dead and dying.

I hope all of you are staying cool.



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