Harvest Time for Gen-1

It's fair to say my babies are ready to be cut down, hung and cured. The trichome hairs have all turned deep amber. I noticed the potency on my last batch that I waited on was noticeably heavy relating to its psychedelic response. This new harvest will come after a long wait on the scrog cage. I'm very happy to see my colas all pretty uniform and fat with cannabinoids. I decided to take a ruler, figuring out the size of them since photos can be very deceiving.

These are some quick measurements but I can vouch to say this cola is about the same as the other colas on the branch. The truth is I'm not really measuring how much cannabis weight I get until the flower is properly cured and jarred for use. Right now these are just for data collecting. Down the line I can use my blog posts to measure future harvests. For me, these are great sizes for a decent harvest.

I still have about ten grams left from my last batch, so I'm happy I'll be getting a solid harvest from this one plant.

Since I had the ruler out, I figure I can show you how big the stem is at harvest time. This is about the same size as my last batch.

My jungle now waits to be chopped. It's always a bittersweet moment for harvesting. These plants have been part of my garden for nearly half a year and it's just sad to see them become chopped and processed. But like all good farmers, death is part of the life you grow. Death completes the cycle. Death gives peace to the plant. This sister will live on with her seeds and clones. Always have respect for your plants, these are living things and they must be honored by the medicine it provides.

Just a quick side note, I wanted to snap a sample of the canopy from the bottom. I'm really happy how the scrog cage keep my plant organized and clean looking. I wish you all a great garden day. If you're in southern Arizona, I hope you're staying dry from the monsoons. Take care, be safe!



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