A quick update on the farm

It's been a while. The monsoons have been rocking southern Arizona this last month, making me focus my attention on other things, like chasing storms and flood zones. A little dangerous but fun to do to pass the time.

So this will be a quick update on the harvest and the flower. Above you'll notice the fat cola I pulled from the Gen-1 super silver haze clone. I was able to trim it and display it for my IG account, @homegrown.pinky. Here it is below:

Now some of you might be wondering about the stuff I grow and the stuff you buy do not look like they're from the same plant. It's because I keep some leaf material on the cola since it still carries cannabinoid oils that is smokable while the flower you buy is completely manicured. Now since I'm not selling these plants or their product, I can care less about a manicured look. I still get a good high, even if it is leaves. One might be asking if leaves are actually smokable. Absolutely! It is a little harsher and the taste is slightly off, but if you have a good grinder and a decent pipe, you really can't tell the difference. Besides, tossing those leaves is tossing away cannabinoid oils, which basically is tossing away your actual smokable product. Don't toss it!

When I do trim my plant, I will chop to the edge of the cola, leaving as much frosty leaves on as possible. Leaves also dry really quickly and can make a great material for extracting shake for wax. I don't mess with that stuff. The flower I make is absolutely strong enough to give me a good high and take me on a great adventure. Wax messes with my head a little too much, stalling my productivity and putting my head in a big spin. But I do have a lot of shake left over and I'll use that to make edibles.

The big trunk slice! NO!

This is always the bittersweet moment, the harvest. But I'm glad I got a good amount of product from one plant. I'm exciting that I've got another plant coming up, the last Gen-1. Not to mention I put a bottle of fermenting wine in the tent, giving the area a little more carbon while I make a jug of bubbly. It'll be an interesting experiment to see if they actually get bigger.

I've been keeping an eye on my Gen-2 clones while they get ready for their colloidal silver douse. I'm thinking in the next several weeks when they get a little bigger, I'll start spraying them so they can make female pollen. For Gen-3 I'll be making the seeds using the pollen from Gen-2.

Here's the last Gen-1 remaining. I'll be keeping a good eye on it while I do the carbon experiment. These photos will act as a record to show how big the flowers will get. The carbon shouldn't take no more than a couple of weeks to feed the plants.

From what I read online, a typical bottle of wine ferments out about 1200ppm of Carbon. My bottle is about 2.5 times the size of a typical bottle, giving me about 3000ppm for Carbon. Now I honestly don't know if this math checks out but I'm hoping that it'll be enough to show some sort of difference in growth. According to simplyhydro.com, plants can absorb up to 1500ppm in optimal conditions. Hopefully I don't soil my plants with too much Carbon and I'm a little concerned about the atmosphere conditions in my room. But I've made homemade wine before in my kitchen and all I got was a small scent of grapes lingering but I wasn't choking on toxic fumes.

Wish me luck. Happy gardening!



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