Clone experiment (in direct water v. in cloning system), (Orig. post April 9th, 2021)


Clone experiment:
For a few months I tried out an experiment on clones, taking cuttings from my Silver Haze and dropping them both in separate systems.

The first system was my regular DWC cloner and my second system was directly in water. Now although I was successful in making both systems work, I have to say my cloner did a much better job. Look at the results yourself:
Cuttings in DWC cloner

Cuttings directly in water

Root results from direct water cloning

Root results from DWC cloner

The photos speak for themselves. The cuttings in the cloner possess much better results than the direct water cloning technique. Not to mention the direct water system discolored the plant leaves, making them crispy and droop. I believe the leaf problems came from the result of too much water touching the stems, which can give your cuttings root rot.

This experiment took place over the course of about 8 weeks. I do not recommend keeping cuttings in a cloning system for that long however it does show you what you're capable of when you have the proper equipment. Both experiments had no additional nutrients added or their pH checked. Both were also using tap water and had the same light settings, staying next to one another. Below is a breakdown of how the cloner works.

As you can see, the cloner is the way to go if you're planning on propagating your hydroponic garden. Keep in mind it is modeled after the regular DWC bucket except the water level in the reservoir is lower, making it spritz water to the top of the bucket when in use. Now some regular house plants do respond to an all water propagation system but since cannabis is a high value crop, I recommend not wasting your time and potential plants on an all water systems. The price of a cheap airstone and a bucket with water will save you hours of work and stress when your garden continues to expand. Don't waste precious clones if you know the best route for their success. Make a cloner!

Have a lovely evening.



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