Kratky Cannabis experiment from clone


I've been reading up on Kratky cannabis and it looks rather successful online so I'm going to give it a shot in the bucket. No pump, no air stone, just water, nutrients and a little acid. Gave it the same nutrients as my DWC clone. Put some roots through the bottom net pot and filled it with clay pallets.

When I was done I set the bucket beside the DWC and covered it to prevent humidity shock. It's keeping pretty warm in the tent, at about 80F.

As for the DWC, I had to fill the bucket up today. It took only two weeks to give it another three gallons. That's not bad considering the constant water you'll need for soil-based plants, just something to argue about (but if you're into soil, that's cool).

The DWC has now grown four times in size compared to when I dropped it. So soon I'll be gathering some cuttings for my cloning bucket. Ah, what an easy plant to grow! This system is chugging along nicely.



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