Taking a break from weed (and it's okay)

There's one thing where you've got unlimited access to cannabis and there's another when the medicine gets too your head and takes control of your body. Truthfully, it'll creep on you and will stay with you long after that initial high has worn off, changing your habits and even your relationships with people.

You'll get foggy head, droopy eyes, bad breath and you'll sleep without any dreams. At least that's what I've been experiencing recently. I also had my brother say I've been smoking a lot and saying "a lot of dumb shit" when I'm around him. So out of sake of restoring my relationship with my brother and being a good brother in return, I decided to quit. I've been off the weed meds for now three weeks and I must say it's a wonderful and clearing experience.

So what have I noticed?

First, that first day is rough. I knew I had some of a dependency but I realized when the first thing I wanted to do when I got home from work is get baked, but it really put a screw in me. I ended up taking a few shots of hard liquor to get me buzzed and then I did my thing for the evening. I was able to overcome it rather quickly. The following day my cravings were gone.

Second, I put it all away. The bong, the bag of weed, the smell of that sweet medicine - all of that shoved away and locked up. Out of sight, out of mind. I'm glad I'm using my kitchen more and not just for making drug-related substances. I realized that small empty space where my pipe sat is now where my coffee maker sits and it's well worth it.

Third, my dreams are back! I haven't had such vivid and lucid dreams in years. It was really nice to see those old, familiar faces from long ago in thought and I'm glad I'm waking up with two separate realities. My dreams get pretty details and interactive and they've always been my highlight in sleeping. I also take my sleep very seriously, so for it to give me a little gift has really helped me on a personal level.

Fourth and final, I've got no desire to return to smoking cannabis. I know sometime later this year when we're all socializing I may take a big hit or knock out a whole joint, but seriously I'm not craving it like the first day. I'm getting a lot more writing done and my home is looking fantastic.

So if you're struggling to stop, it is possible to go cold turkey. But I'll still be growing it. Update: my brother assured me I've been more myself and less like a "weed brain" and I'll take that as a solid compliment. If you think you're struggling yourself, please seek out medical help or get your friends and family together to guide you out of the fog of sin. For now, have a good night and don't forget to take care of yourself once and awhile.



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