The Baby and First Gen Bucket Setup (Orig. post March 2021)


There's something magical to see the trichome towers rise up toward your artificial sun. Their sweet notes of lemon, pine, coffee and sour drops fill the air like an old mercantile store. Their fuzzy hairs whisper into the air, calling you to ingest them. Careful, touching it brings a sticky oil that clings to your person the rest of the day!

Alright, enough poetry. I just wanted to make it clear I'm soon to chopping up the baby. I'm waiting for the stigma hairs brown up. Here's some more pictures of the emerald towers:

First Generation Grow:
Since the old plant is curing, now is the time to cleaning out the bucket and prepare for a new grow, using one of the genetically identical clones in the cloner. The clone I plan on dropping into the bucket has a solid root system:

If you've got sturdy equipment, you should be able to reuse your old net bucket lid. Dump your clay pellets in another basket and wash them, then chop the roots off the net lid and clean thoroughly for a new grow. While removing the roots, check for damage or pests and the overall health of the your last grow:

Clean your old bucket and fill with about four gallons for the new grow:

You can imagine my bird feeder with a bundle of roots on the top as a recently impeached individual...

Just like in the DWC post (from before), repeat the same steps with the new clone. Make sure you add nutrients and properly pH the water. As for the clone, gently push in your clone roots through the bottom net to have them drink up their new bubbly chemical bath. Fill around it clean clay pellets.

Now you've got your second grow going!

Right now I've got my schedule at 12/12 because of the Baby but sometime next week when I harvest it I'll switch the schedule to 18/6. A couple days won't harm it too much. For now it's fine.

And I hope all of you are fine. Spring is here, so take care and happy gardening.



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