Up-side down tree trim (Orig. post April, 2021)

 Well, we did it! We've successfully made our first productive crop since Arizona legalized marijuana! And we've still got so much to do! I know there's not a lot of people reading this blog, but nonetheless, if you are a reader, I just want to say thank you for all your support. It may not mean much to you, but to me, having you learn something from me is a wonderful gift of happiness. I know this topic has so many resources, but regardless I'm still glad if you're reading these words. Thank you, partner.

Up-side down tree:

Since southern Arizona has such an arid climate, it won't be long until the product is readily cured and usable. Within less than a week has been the sweet spot before you bag it and use it.

Now in order to trim it, you're going to need a few tools. Gloves to keep your fingers clean of resin oil, trimmers and a tray or container to stop all the additional trim from getting everywhere are ideal. The dropped trim will be used for making canna-oil or edibles.

Usually I'll keep the small fan leaves that have a lot of crystals. They don't look as fancy as the product you'll buy at a dispensary, that's because the leaves will be used for edibles. But for smoking and vaping, the fan leaves are still usable and easily crushed in a grinder.

It's anticlimactic but at the end all of the hard work in getting the plants trimmed will reap you a decent bag of excellent homemade product for personal use. I was able to get about 50 grams from this one plant, leaving me a happy camper for my private stash. Keep in mind the legal limit for a non-medicinal user is only 28 grams or one ounce while a medicinal user can possess two and a half ounces or roughly 71 grams. This yield falls within the legal limit (but I do have another plant on the way).

I know one who may ask what is a decent street value of the final product? I'm assuming many dispensaries will sell a gram for around $12 and have it as high as $20 per gram (depending how fancy the strain is). So on the low end, this product is about $600 worth of cannabis product, not to mention the trim for edibles and concentrates that you'll have left in your trim tray. I'd say it was well worth the return on investment. Not to mention it won't be penalized with additional taxes. But as a fair warning, it is against the law to sell it unauthorized. Sharing, well that's different too! All I'm trying to say here is be careful and properly keep all forms of product safely away from minors. Just like alcohol, cannabis should not be easily obtainable from children and I hope that you're a responsible adult with your garden. Please be careful!

Waiting for the Babe:

I'll be taking a few extra days to get my baby plant chopped and hung. I've been reading up on trichomes on the web and I'm extending the harvest date to attempt to get a maximum amount of cannabis oil into the trichomes. I'm basically making the stigma hairs fully collapse and checking on the clear trichomes and waiting until about 15% are amber in color. It may product a heavier "couch lock" high but I'm willing to sacrifice my cannabis to see if there's any major change in the psychedelic effects I'll get from both plants.

Till next time! Take care everyone and happy gardening!


PS: By the way, the product is fantastic!


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