Kratky experiment update: failed first attempt

Kratky Experiment 1: failure due to flowering clone

Well, I know Kratky methods work. I've done it with lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, and even with clones. But somehow this particular clone failed. I believe the clone I used was already in a flowering stage, which changes the chemistry of the plant entirely. I don't know much about reproduction chemistry other than altering photoperiods but I think it was too late for it to develop vegetation. The pistils were already forming and changing color, telling me the plant was already developing a flower. That isn't a good sign if you're hoping for it to turn back into a vegetative state. Strange as it is, the roots fully developed and stretched down into the bucket, telling me it was a healthy plant but the discoloration (which it should be green instead of purple) tells me it was too late for it to revert back to vegetative growth. The takeaway: a flowering clone does not grow like a vegetating clone.

After seeing the staggered growth, I attempted to supply it with oxygen through an air stone. Growth still is stagnant.

Kratky Experiment 2: using a vegetation clone

Regardless, I've got a few clones coming in and they'll be part of the second Kratky experiment. I'll toss the older clone to make space and by then I'll be using a vegetation clone from the rockwool tray. It's been getting colder so I know that's been a little tough on the plant(s) growth so I'm hoping to keep them a little warmer by keeping them covered. I'll post the vegetation clone when roots have gained a little more traction on the rockwool tray.

Here's a few pictures of the rockwool tray and the gorilla glue plant in vegetation form:

Rockwool Tray babies:

Notice the small roots emerging!

Cannabis Legislation: welcome to the game Maryland and Missouri

This has been an exciting election cycle for cannabis and I'm pleased to see that Maryland, Missouri, and some places in California, Texas, and Ohio have also decriminalized or adjusted their legislation for cannabis. Maryland and Missouri are now states that will allow adult recreational use of cannabis.

In Los Angeles county, a measure passed that allows unincorporated places in the county to do cannabis-related business - they will be taxed on said business but it opens a lot of opportunities to small businesses and mom 'n pop shops. Cannabis-related sales still needs to get approval.

In Texas, the cities of Denton, Elgin, Harker Heights, Killeen and San Marcos all approved ordinances to decriminalize possession up to four ounces. Furthermore, police can no longer use odor as probable cause for search and seizures. Congratulations Texas on these small steps towards progress.

In Ohio, the cities of Corning, Kent, Laurelville, Rushville and Shawnee all passed decimalization of possessions regarding cannabis and cannabis-related products. Fines were dropped and the severity was lowered in these cities, giving a break on the people so the police can utilize their resources towards more severe crime activity.

There's also a myriad of other cities and towns that are adapting new laws and regulations to better push towards legalization. Even President Biden mentioned this last October said he'll pardon possessions, asks all governors to pardon their state possession laws, and lastly change the schedule for marijuana on a federal level. Our country is changing and the scope for legalization is getting a lot sharper.



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