It's been awhile.

Captain's Log:

Peyote Gorilla strain grows strong in the DWC bucket.

Here's some pictures of the strain's progress since off the seedling bed:

The seedling was set in the bucket on February 5th. It stood about 3 inches tall, now only 14 days with indirect light from a full spectrum Mars Hydro TS-600 on an 18/6 photo schedule it is grown to 8 inches, with incredible horizontal expansion of the sail leaves.

When it was first set in the bucket, I noticed immediately the leaf droop, the stem turning purple (possibly from stress), and the leaves begin to yellow at the tips. I figured that it needed a little boost of nitrogen, so I added in two grams. Within a day I noticed it began to grow a new set of leaves and it offset the yellowing. I also kept the little plastic dome over the seedling and adjusted it slowly to let it become acclimated to the dry atmospheric conditions that I have in my house. I also put in a fan for better circulation and 2 days ago I removed the dome so that the stems can become stronger by the artificial wind.

Tonight I tilted the light toward the plant so that it can make more energy and boost it's vegetation phase. At this rate it should only be about a month before I begin to clone and transfer it to flowering.

Hopefully there is are no more cold days.

-Capt Pinky signing off


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