Second generation Peyote Gorilla

I now have the second generation of my Peyote Gorilla strain on the vegetation schedule. It seems to be growing pretty fast after I did a small air stone cleaning.

The simplest way to clean your old air stones for any DWC bucket hydroponic system is to use a strong hydrogen peroxide. The peroxide I use is at 29%. You can get away with 3% but it won't do the best job, not unless you soak it overnight. Regardless, you must be very careful handling it. The peroxide is strong enough to damage the outer layer of your skin and if you're not careful you could get some in your eye and you'll have to flush out the peroxide since it acts as an acid. Anytime that you're dealing with chemicals, you should be wearing protective eyewear and gloves at least. The last thing you need is to get poisoned with your own laboratory.

I found a small cup and set the used air stone inside then filled it with peroxide and let it soak for a few hours. Using gloves I carefully poured back the peroxide and extracted the air stone without letting it touch my skin. I reconnected and set the air stone back into the reservoir and immediately I saw excellent results from the bubbles it began to produce.

I hope you guys are doing well during this hot summer. Keep on gardening!


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