Starting off the year strong: White widow seedlings and Peyote clones

The "Sativa Girls"

So I've been busy caught up doing other projects that I haven't been able to get back to the blog as of late. Also been messing around with some AI stuff and I was able to grab some cool photos from a generator, hence the Sativa Girls.

But luckily I started up a new strain: some old white widow seeds all seem to pop up quickly. My only issue is keeping them warm as we enter into the winter. I used a piece of cardboard to cover the rockwool and they popped up faster without any issues. I used a low nutrient concentrate to feed them once they were out and looking for light.

White widow seedlings in the seed tray

In southern Arizona the beginning of February marks the coldest part of the year and usually we get a little snow dust around mid-month. But if you're indoors with the heater on, your plants should be okay. Just make sure they have plenty of light and some water (since many houses get dusty and dry).

I also been working on some videos for the YouTube channel. Hopefully I'll get them out soon for the rest of the world to see.

I'm hoping these White widow seedlings produce some nice stems for cloning. I've always liked the widow strain and they are really easy to maintain and produce a solid product.

But I still have some peyote strains still cooking in the cloner. Here's some of the roots they're giving off from my coffee can cloner I made. The cloner is some holes cut from the top and a side hole to feed the air stone tube through. But it's working perfectly.

I hope all of you had a safe holiday and hopefully you have your goals set for the new year. Hopefully 2024 brings something cool and exciting for any developing gardener. If you need any assistance or just want to drop a line and keep a dialogue going, please let me know. I'm glad to help in anyway. Thank you for reading, I do appreciate the visit.



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