March 31st update - Flowering Stage

Somehow I noticed my March 31st update didn't go through on the blog, so here's a repost of what the plant is looking like (as of March 31st). Notice the flowers coming through very nicely...

Notice the plant poking through the scrog cage. I'll only let the colas through, all other leaf and stems are pinned down.

I also had to cut back on some leaves that have some nutrient damage. Only when I add nutrients I'll see some damage occur, which are tiny browning or "burn" spots, which is also known as "nutrient burn" - if your pH or water level is off it can cause a form of burn, which first cooks the leaves and then changes the color of the stem (usually until purple). My rule of thumb is if the leaf is not getting any light (stuck in the shadows), remove them. If you feel the leaf will get partial light, keep them. With having a reflective tent, plants will get adequate light from the main source and from reflection, so trim accordingly.

And for any of you culinary aficionados, you can turn those leaves into a form of greens by sautéing them in cooking oil and add in pine nuts to make a type of cannabis pesto.


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